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Brandon, the Panderer

To the tune of "The Wanderer"

Oh well, Joe's the type of guy who will
never say things straight.
Where there are votes to fish for, well,
you know that he can't wait.
He makes up things and he borrows words.
To him it's all the same.
He grew up with Jews, Puerto Ricans, and
bad dudes.
It's all a shifty game.

Just call him the panderer,
Yeah, the panderer.
His lies abound, abound, abound.

He agreed that an illegal in Georgia had
murdered that college girl,
But then he quickly apologized to stay in with
the far-left world.
He's shown that he's now in thick with them and
their victimology.
He's even on board with the "newcomer" corrupt

'Cause he's the panderer,
Yeah, the panderer.
His faults abound, abound, abound.

Oh well, it's the life he chose,
Avoiding voter rejection.
Checking how the wind blows
Before the next election.

So this time he's in with the left except
there's been a hitch.
The bloody mess in Palestine conflicts with
his Jewish pitch.
He wants more money for Israel to pursue its
While life support for its victims
he'd showily provide.

Oh yeah, the panderer
is in a quandary.
His trials abound, abound, abound.

So this time he's in with the left except
there's been a hitch.
The bloody mess in Palestine conflicts with
his Jewish pitch.
He wants more money for Israel to pursue its
While life support for its victims
he'd showily provide.

Yeah, 'cause he's a panderer,
Yeah, a panderer.
His trials abound, abound, abound, abound,
abound, abound, abound.
'Cause he's a panderer.
He's a panderer.
His lies abound, abound, abound, abound.

David Martin

2 Thoughts to “Brandon, the Panderer”

  1. Curmudgeon

    Great parody. I know the panderer is a near rhyme and likely the best word available. It is unfortunate there is no single word that can adequately describe the depravity and corruption of this lump of solid body waste.

    1. Yeah, I thought the word was a bit weak, too, and I used it only because it fits the song so well and the idea to do the parody was suggested to me by someone else. Politicians are all panderers, except Biden seems to have taken it to a considerably higher level than almost any of them. Still, it’s hardly criminal. For that, look first at the activity of his bagman, Hunter, highlighted in my lyrics “Just Fun”

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